adsterra account create


Creating an Adsterra account involves several steps, which include visiting the Adsterra website, signing up, and providing necessary details for verification. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

adsterra account create

Visit the Adsterra Website:*

   - Open your web browser and go to the Adsterra website: [Adsterra](

Sign Up:

   - Click on the "Sign Up" or "Join Now" button, usually located at the top right corner of the homepage.

Choose Your Account Type:

   - Adsterra offers two types of accounts: "Advertiser" and "Publisher". Choose the one that suits your needs. 

     - **Advertiser:** If you want to advertise your products or services.

     - **Publisher:** If you want to monetize your website or blog.

Fill in the Registration Form:

   - Enter your email address.

   - Create a password.

   - Provide additional information as required, such as your name, company name (if applicable), website URL (for publishers), and other contact details.

Agree to Terms and Conditions:

   - Read and agree to Adsterra’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Verify Your Email:

   - After submitting the registration form, Adsterra will send a verification email to the address you provided.

   - Check your email inbox (and spam/junk folder if necessary) for a verification email from Adsterra.

   - Click on the verification link in the email to confirm your account.

Complete Your Profile:

   - Log in to your new Adsterra account.

   - Complete your profile by providing any additional information required.

   - For publishers, this might include setting up your payment details and submitting your website for approval.

Website Approval (for Publishers):

   -If you signed up as a publisher, Adsterra will review your website to ensure it meets their quality standards.

   -This process may take some time. You will be notified via email once your site is approved.

Start Using Adsterra:

   - Once your account is set up and approved, you can start creating ad campaigns (for advertisers) or placing ad codes on your site (for publishers).


- Ensure all the information you provide is accurate to avoid any issues during the verification process.

- For publishers, make sure your website complies with Adsterra’s guidelines to increase the chances of approval.

If you encounter any issues during the sign-up process, you can contact Adsterra’s support team for assistance. 

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